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In a world drunk on negativity, polarization, and egregious use of power, one company aims to change that mindset altogether. While the adage “if it bleeds, it leads” has become the standard-bearer of many mainstream news outlets, quickly growing Canadian start-up Goodable might be angling for a new one: “If it’s kind, it’s a goldmine.”
While the grisliest stories tend to land as front-page news or receive breaking coverage, Goodable does the exact opposite. The company shares good news stories from around the world. Frankly, it’s a breath of fresh air.
Founded in 2020 by former CNN and ABC warzone correspondent Muhammad Lila, Goodable might be one of the best things to emerge from the pandemic.
As a warzone correspondent, Lila has been in some horrific situations. Chased by the Taliban? Check. Fleeing gunfire? You bet. Evading militia and other warlords out to kill? Too many times to mention.
Throughout his time dodging death and many hours in global airports reflecting on his true purpose, Lila also found himself asking the same two questions repeatedly: “Why is it we only consider bad news as news? And why doesn’t good news count as news?” It may have been an existential crisis for Lila—stuck in some of the world’s deadliest situations—but his thinking evolved into a positive and viable business, something no one has ever tried to do on a global scale. Enter Goodable.
Starting from his kitchen, in his pyjamas, and with a lone Twitter account in 2019, Goodable got its start. “If everyone spent just 5% of their day putting out positivity into the world,” said Lila, “the world would be a completely different place.” Almost overnight, Goodable became a sensation. Celebrities, athletes, and journalists such as Jake Tapper, Billie Jean King, Mark Hamill, and Pharrell Williams began quoting and retweeting what Lila was putting out into the world.
“Goodable is a validation that people want good news, and they’re willing to come to places to give them what they want,” he added.
Nowadays, the company is far more than a Twitter, Instagram and TikTok account. Using proprietary AI and machine learning technology to search through various global news sources every day, Goodable removes any negativity and fearmongering and then serves up the best stories designed to make people feel, well, good. The Goodable app and newsletter will be launched soon. Also coming in the near future is a podcast and a YouTube channel. The company is already a verified YouTube Creator Partner.
If that’s not enough, the Goodable Newscast is also on the horizon, a newscast that only covers good news. Lila and the team have moved into new Toronto digs. They have taken over a former CBC building that once manufactured props, including Jim Henson’s Goodable-esque Fragglerock, where the Goodable newscast and all other facets of its operations will function.
Its organic reach thus far is nothing short of incredible. Over 40 million people across the globe encounter a Goodable good news entry monthly. The company currently has a staff of 12 and is looking to grow by adding journalism luminaries, among others, including engineers, mobile developers, product managers and designers.
And word is getting out. Whether people want to work at Goodable or partners want to officially connect, there is no shortage of people knocking at Lila’s door. He remarked, “The proof that your start-up is going well is when people approach you.”
This is on top of having one of the largest pre-seed funding rounds in recent Canadian history, backed by well-known venture capitalists and a powerful accelerator. Investment is also coming from one of the biggest names in entertainment, who has asked to remain anonymous for now, something Lila is respecting.
The company’s values are also a nod to its purpose-driven, kindness-focused way of operating. Values like “We don’t take sides,” “Truth matters,” and “Goodness can be anywhere” demonstrate an ethos of collaboration, honesty, and openness. As part of walking the talk with their values, Goodable introduced a policy to pay for mental health and wellness or therapy services for any employee that wants it. It’s a confidential, no-questions-asked policy.
At the recent House of Beautiful Business conference that I attended, author John Hagel had this to say: “We increasingly see fear at work, and it’s a threat to our future. A lot of the anger we are seeing around the world is driven by fear.”
Personally, I couldn’t agree more. Anger, fear, and this penchant for being negative is a calamity waiting to happen. We are on the brink of deleterious dogma becoming the norm. As leaders, we must do better; we ought to be positive, encouraging, and inclusive while delivering messages of hope, inspiration, and decency.
As human beings, we owe it to ourselves to act more humanely.
My bets are on Muhammad Lila and the Goodable team to help us with just that quest.
Watch the full 22-minute interview with the founder of Goodable, Muhammad Lila, below.
Check out my 4th book, “Lead. Care. Win. How to Become a Leader Who Matters.” Amy. C. Edmondson of Harvard Business School calls it “an invaluable roadmap.” There’s also a self-paced online leadership development masterclass available. Nearly 100 videos across nine practical leadership lessons.