Jonathan Cahn, best-selling author, Messianic Rabbi, says blood on right ear is anointing from God, Exod 29:20—
“Then you shall kill the ram, and take some of its blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron. Aaron was the high priest, but kings were also anointed and there’s an emerging role for Trump regardless of election results, says Richard Ruhling, author of How It All Ends.
Ruhling predicted war with Iraq before 9-11, based on Christ’s saying to read the book of Daniel. Daniel 8 has a ram-goat battle “at the time of the end” with horns on the ram representing Medes & Persians, but those areas are now Iraq & Iran, and a ram’s blood anoints Trump?
The goat horn is the first king of Grecia, but if “history repeats”, the goat’s horn could represent Trump—animal horns were used for trumpets in Bible times,
and the great horn makes the goat great, Daniel 8:7,8.
But the goat’s horn breaks prematurely…assassination?
Ruhling offers a synthesis of Bible possibilities that inc-lude Trump’s engraving on an Israeli coin as Cyrus II.
Trump has not had the opportunity to do what Cyrus I did. God named Cyrus 100 years before he was born and told how he would conquer Babylon when two gates were left open in Isaiah 45:1. Cyrus knew nothing of Isaiah, but he diverted the Euphrates River into a reservoir and marched at night under Babylon’s wall to discover two river gates left open. He conquered Babylon with no loss of life.
When Daniel showed Cyrus his name in a scroll taken from Jerusalem 70 years earlier, Cyrus was so impressed with Israel’s God, that he freed Israel to return to their homeland and helped pay their way and gave a donation to their temple rebuilding. History supports God as “declaring the end from the beginning” in Isaiah 45:1.
In the book of beginnings, Abraham was tested over his willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Muslims says the son was Ishmael, ancestor of Muhammad, giving them claim to the Middle East. Their Quran says, “Allah has no Son.” Muslims should wonder which is the true holy book. Ruhling says events supporting the Bible are amazing.
Muslims celebrate their 2nd holiest day of the year with a ram sacrifice, Al-Adha, that spared Ishmael, but the Bible says it was Isaac and offers further detail—the ram was caught in a bush by its horn. George Bush caught the first horn! The God of the Bible not only sees the future sacrifice of a militant Muslim ram, but used imagery showing it.
Ruhling sees war with Israel escalating to include Iran. Erdogan, President of Turkey, urges a Muslim siege…

Though they acknowledge Christ as a prophet, Muslim celebration will show their rejection of him as God’s Son (John 3:16) and in a time of judgment that the Bible calls “day of the Lord” Muslims will get rid of unbelieving Jews (Zechariah 14) but then will flee when the Lord shall roar from Jerusalem…heavens & earth shall shake,” Joel 3:16. Both passages have “day of the Lord” context.
Ruhling says it was “night of the Lord” when judgment fell on Egypt for enslaving Israel and throwing their babies in the river. As day follows night, “the day of the Lord” will bring judgment to the US for enslaving most people in alcohol, tobacco and negative lifestyles, and it’s thrown 63 million babies in the trash, worse than Egypt.
A worldwide earthquake coinciding with Muslim’s taking Jerusalem could be from an Israeli nuke in case of their taking Jerusalem as the prophet foretold. “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” (Albert Einstein)
Why would God want to be anonymous? Ruhling shares a personal story of when his little boy was 5 and he overheard Ruhling telling his wife that the floor was cold, she should wear slippers while fixing breakfast. She was busy, but a minute later, David came running with mother’s slippers.
Ruhling said he felt so good about his little boy doing something to be helpful without being asked or threatened. He could have threatened his son with a whipping, but that would give him no joy, and God is like that– “If God whipped us every time we did something wrong, we would serve God from fear, rather than the love He deserves.
God often lets us be punished by the natural consequences of our choices, but here’s an earthquake that shakes the whole world and while we may blame the Muslims, the US has done worse than.
God punished Egypt for enslaving Israel and throwing their babies in the river—it was the “night of the Lord” when Israel prayed that God would pass over them in judgment. “The day of the Lord” is the end–time extension for a time of judgment. We blame Muslims, but the US is worse than Egypt with most people in bondage to alcohol, tobacco and negative life styles and 63 million babies thrown in the trash. God will punish US with the earthquake in the context of Muslims taking Jerusalem to remain anonymous.
Many forces are pushing US to a UN New World Order. Trump has stood for US sovereignty and could respond to military need for Commander in Chief when Muslims take Jerusalem, but after his Cyrus role, the great horn in Daniel 8:8 is broken. Ruhling says this suggests assassination–for not supporting UN control/global government?
The Bible’s imagery of four horns like the four beasts in Daniel 7 suggest the lion with eagle wings (UK/US alliance) is followed by a bear (Russia), then leopard (China) before a 10-horned dragon makes EU/UN supreme with pope as the diverse little horn that compels marking people in the right arm, Rev 13:16,17. Maybe the Covid shot was a precursor? For more information, readers can visit Ruhling’s website,