CMO of Jellyfish, working closely with global brands and their millions of customers to create their perfect digital partnerships.
This series has covered a lot of ground, from why we need to let go of the office as we once knew it in part one to how to establish hybrid work environments in part two. Truth be told, we have the pandemic to thank for uncovering many workplace issues. Had it not reared its ugly head, we would have never stopped to consider that maybe things weren’t so great before after all.
The question now is how we continue moving forward while addressing some of the systemic issues that have been present in the workplace for years, such as issues around diversity, equity and inclusion. This is a critical question about how to create an environment where all of those elements are embraced and really thrive. Remember, we shouldn’t be returning to normal — we should be returning to better.
1. Addressing Equity
When we think about equity, we should really work on moving the needle forward in a positive direction, especially when it comes to women and child care. Women should have opportunities to grow their careers while also having thriving families. But paid maternity leave is not a luxury afforded to every woman.
Numerous studies have found that access to paid maternity leave has a positive impact on the emotional and physical well-being of new mothers and their babies. As leaders, I believe we should work on normalizing this to allow for women to take care of themselves and their growing families. Women should feel at ease knowing that their careers aren’t going to take a hit once they have children. They should feel confident in knowing that they will have time to recover and adjust to motherhood without the stress of having to do their job on top of it. Many women are put at a huge disadvantage here, and this was magnified with the onset of the pandemic as we saw women leave the workplace and take on the role of the primary caregivers for their children. In fact, according to data from NextAdvisor and YouGov (via Time), “Since March [2020], 28% of women with kids under 18 in the household have temporarily or permanently left the workforce to become a primary caregiver to children, compared to 10% of men.”
But this topic of equity isn’t just about women — it’s also about men. If a man says he wants to take paternity leave or be the primary caregiver, I believe he should be afforded the same opportunity. Just as there are studies that show paid maternity leave benefits women, the Department of Labor has discussed the benefits of paternity leave for fathers so they can share in caretaking duties and household responsibilities.
Right now, many companies have established some form of pay equity but haven’t really addressed these other very important issues around it. Companies can focus on this as we move forward.
2. Taking A Hard Look At Core Values
I believe leaders should reimagine what it means to be productive and what real outcomes look like in a workforce that may be more vibrant, energetic, equitable and representative of the consumers and clients it serves. This will likely be the hardest component of the returnship because it is going to require a hard look at what exactly the real authentic values of a business are, a topic I’ve discussed previously. We’ve all heard and seen the pledges companies have made about diversity, equity and inclusion, but we don’t always see action. Now, employees and staffers are making decisions, and as the BBC discussed, some are choosing to resign from their jobs because of how they treat their employees and because of bad workplace environments. This is an opportunity for leaders to get it right, do that introspection and take action to ensure that there is not only a plan but also the budget, resources and follow-up necessary to move forward.
3. Listening And Learning
One of the biggest things companies can do right now is to use this time to listen. Don’t talk. Listen. Have open town halls with employees around the country and understand the challenges of working from home, but also take note of the advantages. Hear the stories of what people have embraced and why they are so thrilled to be working remotely. I’ve heard that for many people, working from home has been a gift that’s allowed them to be with family and to get in alignment with who they really are and what they present to the world.
Even though working from home was a temporary solution to Covid-19, the reality of today is that many people likely realized that they were able to balance and enjoy life so much better when working remotely, so they may not want to lose that. But people will also still want to have vibrant, productive and successful careers. With all of that in mind, we should really come together and collaborate to paint a unified picture of what the future of work looks like.
A Better Tomorrow
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, we still have a lot of work to do, but I’ve seen businesses making progress. My advice to leaders is this: Don’t be afraid to listen, lean in and absorb it all. Despite how messy and chaotic the returnship currently appears, we can create a new and amazing work experience that allows each and every one of us do great things — not just within our companies but also throughout the world.
Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?