In Vietnam, 68 percent of children experience some form of violence at home. UNICEF-trained social workers are working to keep kids safe.
Social worker Le Thi Phien works with families in Cao Lanh, Vietnam to prevent violence against children. “I have never given up on a single case,” she said. “When I started social work, I knew I was born for this job.”
Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. In Vietnam, however, 68 percent of children between the ages of 1 and 14 experience some form of violence at home. Trained in child protection, UNICEF-supported social workers play an important role in preventing and responding to violence against children.
“I first came to social work because I always had a passion for helping children, especially vulnerable individuals,” said Le Thi Phien, a social worker in Cao Lanh. Many parents in Vietnam work long hours, leaving their children in the care of relatives. In one recent case, she intervened to protect a girl who was living with a physically abusive uncle.
Watch the video to learn how social workers in Vietnam are building a safer world for children:
UNICEF works to prevent all forms of violence against children at home, in school and in the community. Partnering with governments, businesses, civil society organizations and communities, UNICEF strengthens child protection systems, helps children access vital social services, supports parents and caregivers, and provides mental health and psychosocial services.
“Effective implementation of laws and policies, and especially a child protection system, would not be possible without social workers,” said Dang Hoa Nam, Director of Vietnam’s Department of Children’s Affairs.
UNICEF works in more than 150 countries to protect children from violence, exploitation and abuse. You can help.