Determine your readiness, and execute a plan to re-enter the workforce.
When you have taken a step back from work due to a disability, you may reach a point in your recovery where you begin to wonder if, when, and how to best approach a return to work. Before making a decision, there are several things you can do to sufficiently assess your physical and mental capabilities, determine your readiness, and execute a plan to re-enter the workforce.
Many of the factors outlined below generally apply if you have been away from the job and have maintained a relationship with your employer. If you have officially departed from employment, the considerations can be different.
Consult a medical professional
One of the first and most obvious things you should do when considering going back to work after being on disability leave is to get the opinion of a trusted medical professional. A doctor who is familiar with your condition can make informed decisions about a safe return to work. Working may even be recommended as a form of rehabilitation, as it was for Lisa Jewell, who began working part-time at the direction of her doctors after she suffered a brain aneurysm four years ago.
Be transparent with your employer
A good employer cares about its workers. Once you have determined you would like to attempt a return to work and your doctor has given the OK, then you can reach out to your employer to discuss a return. It’s important, firstly, to establish that they would have a position for you and they have either extended the job or confirmed you can return – in writing, such as an email, is preferable.
Talk with your supervisor
One common question for people returning to work is, “Who should I talk to, HR or my supervisor?” Generally, many employees have a closer relationship with their direct supervisor, so that’s a common next step. Your supervisor can work with HR to confirm there is a job waiting for you and confirm the offer to return. After that, you can have a discussion with your manager about job responsibilities, expectations and concerns. If your position requires physical obligations that you might not be able to meet, this is a useful time to speak with your supervisor or your human resources representative about accommodations.
Get to know your company’s disability policies
In addition to maintaining open communication with your manager, it’s important to communicate with your employer’s human resources department to discuss your return under the company’s policies, especially if you have been utilizing the Family and Medical Leave Act or another policy of your employer. If and when specific job accommodations are discussed, it can be important for HR to keep a record as well. These might include something in writing to confirm a flexible hourly schedule is being provided, or that a specific work location or layout will be setup for the return to work.
Consider a gradual return to work
While the prospect of getting back into the swing of work after an extended absence might be appealing for any number of reasons, a sudden change from not working to working full-time could be challenging. Think about starting out on a part-time schedule, with hours that you feel confident you can keep. Make your return incremental and as easy on yourself as possible to avoid the risk of burning out or aggravating your health condition.
Trust yourself
At the end of the day, no manager, lawyer, doctor, friend, or family member is going to be able to make better informed decisions about your health than you. Don’t rush your recovery or disregard your personal comfort level to allow yourself to be pressured to return to a work environment before you feel ready.
If you are currently collecting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, it is important to keep in mind that through the SSA’s Ticket To Work (TTW) program, you can start to ease yourself back into the workforce without having to worry about giving up those benefits. TTW offers a number of work incentive programs that allow participants to begin working again, all while protecting their disability benefits.
By having a measured re-entry plan and using the appropriate resources at your disposal, you can greatly increase your chances of a successful return to work.