More than 5 years after his first book came out, a new book by Aniket Singh goes on sale this year. The book is titled “The Complete Book of Internships in Europe”. The front cover of Singh’s book was released earlier this year.
This book is a culmination of the series that started with “Intern Abroad This Summer” and built on with “The Complete Book of Internships in India” & “The Complete Book of Internships”
By most estimates, around 1.5 million copies of Aniket Singh’s books have been sold worldwide
“It’s not a Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings’ book” said Naveen Valsakumar, director at Notionpress publishing. “But this is the kind of book that the youth of today needs. As publishers we’ve been through the most extraordinary time with Singh’s books”

Aniket Singh comes armed with a treasure trove of experience and knowledge gained through his internships abroad. Singh loves to talk to students during their formative years so that they can avoid anything that is not helpful to long-term growth. Singh holds a BTech degree in Electrical Engineering from the IIT, Madras, Chennai, and a Master’s degree in Wireless Systems from Politecnico Di Torino in Torino, Italy. He has interned at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom and Ecole Polytechnic Federale de Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland during this studies. For a rewarding internship and career, take the first step
In addition, Aniket Singh’s philanthropic ventures help students in India with exploring opportunities in India and abroad. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in association with Mr. Aniket Singh is providing amazing summer internship opportunity for all mechanical, electrical, electronics and biotechnology students. This summer intern at this prestigious institute for 2 months along with full scholarships up to ₹ 30,000 that will cover your travel and accommodation expenses.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is a public institute deemed to be university for research and higher education in science and engineering. It is the world’s second-best research institute.
Aniket also offers Indian students the chance to follow in his footsteps in the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at University of Southampton through a new international internship program.
Aniket’s ‘Intern Abroad Program’ funds three-month internships in ECS for four promising students from Indian universities. Students selected in the new program join ECS in summer and gain first-hand experience of the School’s high quality academic research. The program is designed to allow students to get the same positive experience that Aniket had here at Southampton and he hopes it will shape their perspective in their formative years.