CM Punk will do commentary during Darby Allin’s match against Daniel Garcia.
AEW Rampage advertised Darby Allin vs. Daniel Garcia with CM Punk on commentary, Rebel and Jamie Hayter vs. Kris Statlander, an appearance by TNT champion Miro and Malakai Black vs. Lee Johnson.
Last week’s broadcast of AEW Rampage garnered 722,000 viewers after drawing over a million viewers the week prior for CM Punk’s return.
- August 27, 2021—722,000
- August 20, 2021—1.129 million
- August 13, 2021—740,000
AEW Rampage: Key Competition
- Mainstream Cable News Coverage
Lee Johnson is September’s Black Wrestler of the Month (Pro Wrestling Bits)
AEW Rampage YouTube Viewership Last Friday: 4,685,592 (Down from 16,773,044)
- Most-Viewed: CM Punk and Christian Post-Rampage Promo (2,632,985 views)
- Least-Viewed: Tay Conti vs. Bunny (117,048 views)
- Median Viewership: 351,129 views
AEW Rampage Results: Friday, September 3, 2021
Malakai Black def. Lee Johnson
AEW didn’t bother to further the Lee Johnson character as he was a pig to slaughter against Malakai Black.
Given how quickly I thought this match would end, I made sure not to miss the picture-in-picture.
This crowd is still very much into Malakai Black despite (and possibly because of) his monster heel booking.
Dustin Rhodes cut yet another great promo on Malakai Black ahead of his slaughtering this coming Wednesday.
Miro and Eddie Kingston Face Off
I love the storyline that Eddie Kingston’s biggest moves are designed to injure the neck, which is Miro’s weakness.
Eddie Kingston refuses to stop repping DMX on AEW television and I love to see it.
Eddie Kingston and Miro have, in short order, made me more interested in this feud than most of All Out.
Kris Statlander def. Jamie Hayter and Rebel
In a display of alien strength (see above), Kris Statlander caught Jamie Hayter and held her while Rebel was sitting on her shoulders.
I love the idea that Statlander has such unique offense, she had to have learned it while on the Andromeda Galaxy.
Kris Statlander seems to be building support as a babyface and I wouldn’t be surprised if the reaction was split, if not skewed toward Statlander.
Darby Allin def. Daniel Garcia with CM Punk on Commentary
Some fan hilariously tried to offer CM Punk a drink after Punk did another crowd dive.
Chris Jericho asked CM Punk why he didn’t bring a sportscoat to the commentary table, and Punk responded by saying “that’s the old me.”
Days before he biggest match of his career, of course Darby Allin took a wild bump over the ring announcer’s table.
Chris Jericho and CM Punk had some great back-and-forths on commentary to get over Punk’s mindset headed into his first match back.