This year, we had the privilege of launching a first-of-its-kind Forbes list: the 50 Over 50, a list dedicated to highlighting women over the age of 50 who are shattering age and gender norms across all sectors of the American economy and culture.
Produced in partnership with Morning Joe cohost Mika Brzezinski and her Know Your Value initiative, the 50 Over 50 is a collection of women who reject the conventional wisdom that their best years are behind them. They’re leading a movement: We received more than 10,000 submissions for the initial list of 50 people.
What started as one list soon became two, three, and four thanks to focused looks at women wielding their influence in politics and social entrepreneurship, STEM and the arts, finance and beyond. But now, it’s time to go even bigger. It’s time to go global.
To that end, we’re looking to put together two brand new 50 Over 50 lists: 50 Over 50 Asia and 50 Over 50 Europe.
Though the geographies are different, what we’re looking for remains the same: women who are actively stepping into their power in their sixth decade or beyond . We’re looking for stories about accelerating or recreating careers to reach the highest echelons of a business or field after turning 50—with an eye on women who have overcome significant odds.
Julie Wainwright is a quintessential 50 Over 50. Now 64, she was the CEO of Pets.com at the height of the dot-com bubble; on the day she had to shut the company down, her husband asked for a divorce. At 53, she started over, founding luxury online consignment retailer The RealReal. The company went public in 2019, and is now worth more than $1 billion.
Or Beatriz Acevedo, now 53, who began her career in Mexican television when she was 16 and had garnered several local television awards (including three Emmys) by her early 20s. She was ready to retire at 50: “I was, like, ‘That’s it for me. I’m gonna be home and be one of those Santa Monica women doing yoga at noon.’” But then, as Acevedo watched as members of the Latinx community suffered from disproportionate rates of sickness, death and economic hardship during the pandemic, she knew she had to help. And so she founded Suma Wealth, a venture-backed financial literacy and fintech platform for the Latinx community.
Do these stories describe you, or someone you know? Nominate them for the 50 Over 50 Europe or Asia today. Full nomination guidelines are below and see our inaugural 50 Over 50 here.