Tag: Amnesties, Commutations and Pardons

Trump Says He Would Consider Pardons for Jan. 6 Defendants if Elected

CONROE, Texas — Donald J. Trump said on Saturday that if elected…

By Tycoon Herald 10 Min Read

Murderer Pardoned by Kentucky’s Former Governor Is Sentenced Again

Among them was Mr. Baker, whose family hosted a fund-raiser for Mr.…

By Tycoon Herald 3 Min Read

Prosecutors Move to Reduce 110-Year Sentence for Trucker in Deadly Crash

Prosecutors in Colorado have started a process that could reduce the penalty…

By Tycoon Herald 5 Min Read

Ernest L. Johnson Is Executed Despite Pleas From Pope and Others

The pope’s appeal was made in a letter to Mr. Parson from…

By Tycoon Herald 2 Min Read